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Hi and welcome to my website, feel free to call me April or May! My hobbies mostly relates to computers (programming & building pcs mostly) and photography. I like free software and have been using GNU/Linux since 2011, starting out with openSUSE. I also sometimes run Fedora and Debian too! My favourite desktop environments and window managers are GNOME, Enlightenment, WindowMaker, and Ratpoision. As far as music goes, I like classical music, military marches, political music, vocaloid, and some breakcore.
When it comes to gender/sexuality, I am a trans girl who cracked in 2020. Sexuality is a bit more complex for me than many. I would consider myself Finsexual although my sexuality is someone fluid. I generally present feminine. My favourite clothes are my pleated skirts & thigh highs (with an assortment of t-shirts) as I look pretty in them and they are also very comfy.
This website is currently a work in progress. This website (especially going forward) will look best in Epiphany/GNOME Web. See the sample screenshots here. This website should automatically adapt to your browser's dark/light theme and use it's colours. If anything looks seriously broken, please send me an email.